Magento trends to follow in 2021 and beyond
Magento has a huge impact on the world of E-commerce development. Around 2,50,000 of eCommerce platforms runs on Magento.With its world-class features, user-friendly theme, and flexibility it delivers outstanding experiences to the end users. It has excellent features and extensive functionality to support the growth of the business.
AR/VR enhanced online shopping:
Both Augmented Reality/Virtual reality enhances the customer’s shopping experience as the user can feel & use the product virtually and make decisions based on their experience. By implementing AR/VR technology in your e-commerce store, you can get more visibility and brand awareness.
Personalized Push Notifications:
Giving personalized recommendations & alerts to the customers make more sense and increases sales. Magento offers tailor-made push notifications means the technology to use customers' searching, buying, and clicking patterns to send notifications.
Optimizing the push notifications can increase your online revenue adequately. Using the time triggers, notices, messages when they want to receive them.
Voice Search:
Around 20% of shoppers use their device (phone, computer) for voice search to shop. Voice search is the feature where compatible devices take queries from the users in the form of voice. Nowadays various operating voice assistants like Alex, Siri, and Google home are ruling the market. Voice based search shopping is estimated to increase by $40 billion in 2022.
Chat bots and AI:
With the help of AI and machine learning, we can study consumer behavior based on product browsing, buying intents, and purchasing. Chatbot algorithm enhancing the growth of the e-commerce industry. Magento platform integrates chatbots it provides a number of tools to make the implementation & integration.
Final thoughts:
In addition to this Personalized shopping for consumers, mobile-friendly shopping businesses can connect better than ever with the shoppers. Open source, agile methodologies, top-notch features make the Magento platform flourish sales. Any updations, changes in technology are not a big challenge to tackle.